A certification record shall be maintained of each inspection, performed in accordance with this paragraph (m), containing the date of the inspection, the name of the person who performed the inspection and the serial number, or other identifier, of the equipment specified in paragraph (m)(1)(i) of this section that was inspected.
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The Titan rocket family was established in October 1955, when the Air Force awarded the Glenn L. Martin Company a contract to build an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). It became known as the Titan I, the nation's first two-stage ICBM and first underground silo-based ICBM. The Martin Company realized that the Titan I could be further improved and presented a proposal to the U.S. Air Force for an improved version. It would carry a larger warhead over a greater range with better accuracy and could be launched more quickly. The Martin company received a contract for the new missile, designated SM-68B Titan II, in June 1960. The Titan II was 50% heavier than the Titan I, with a longer first stage and a larger diameter second stage. The Titan II also used storable propellants: Aerozine 50 fuel, which is a 1:1 mixture of hydrazine and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH), and dinitrogen tetroxide oxidiser. The Titan I, whose liquid oxygen oxidizer had to be loaded immediately before launching, had to be raised from its silo and fueled before launch. The use of storable propellants enabled the Titan II to be launched within 60 seconds directly from within its silo. Their hypergolic nature made them dangerous to handle; a leak could (and did) lead to explosions, and the fuel was highly toxic. However, it allowed for a much simpler and more trouble-free engine system than on cryogenic propellant boosters.[citation needed]
On 20 June 1974, one of two engines failed to ignite on a Titan II launch from Silo 395C at Vandenberg AFB in California. The launch was part of the Anti Ballistic Missile program and was witnessed by an entourage of general officers and congressmen. The Titan suffered severe structural failure with both the hypergolic fuel tank and the oxidizer tank leaking and accumulating in the bottom of the silo. A large number of civilian contractors were evacuated from the Command and Control Bunker.[citation needed]
There are a myriad of metrics that can be used to manage risk, but there are 4 that are especially critical in measuring the effectiveness of your risk management program. First is the number of systemic risks you\u2019ve identified. Systemic risk identification detects upstream and downstream dependencies across all levels and business areas of an organization. Secondly, it\u2019s important to calculate the percentage of process areas involved in your risk assessments. Risk management, namely ERM, is inherently cross-functional and cannot be performed in silos, therefore a risk should be viewed as the sum of its parts. Another crucial metric is the percentage of key risks monitored. Through consistent risk assessments, you\u2019re able to better prioritize the activities that are most in need of monitoring, and ultimately prevent business metrics from being pushed out of tolerance. Lastly is the percentage of key risks mitigated, which helps you prioritize resources, allocating them to risks in need of stronger coverage and reducing inefficiencies that come from wasting resources on low-impact risks.\n"}},"@type":"Question","name":"How Is Risk Impact Calculated?","acceptedAnswer":"@type":"Answer","text":"The impact (or consequence) of a risk refers to the extent to which the risk event could potentially affect the organization. Risk impact is often calculated by factoring in threats to the company\u2019s security, finances, reputation, safety or operations. Assessing impact should be performed on a 1-10 scale over more commonly used high-medium-low scales. Using a 1-10 scale provides more flexibility and makes calculating residual risk more straightforward. The key is to express severity of impact in both quantitative and qualitative terms in a standardized way.\n","@type":"Question","name":"Why Are Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) Important?","acceptedAnswer":"@type":"Answer","text":"Key risk indicators (KRIs) are essential in monitoring risk and staying on top of compliance requirements. There are hundreds of metrics that can be collected, which makes it crucial to prioritize the ones that are the most important. Some examples include regulatory changes, economic downturn or percentage of key risks mitigated in a given period. Tracking KRIs ensures that your most critical risks are being constantly monitored.\n"]}FREE DOWNLOAD:Risk Reporting Dashboard ExamplesWe cover the best way to present your risk metrics and key risk indicators on a company dashboard.
The model name is normally found on the sticker located at the back of the TV, located on a label near the side input terminals, or engraved on the front panel of the TV. Please be aware that the model and serial numbers are different:
Limitorque wiring diagrams are listed for most standard and optional electrical/electronic configurations of currently supported products. If the drawing is not found listed, please contact [email protected] with the Limitorque order number and serial number of the unit in question. This information is located on the unit nameplate.
As the electric power industry upgrades older infrastructure to take advantage of emerging technologies, utilities are also moving toward greater operationaltechnology (OT) and information technology (IT) convergence. This allows greater numbers of technologies, devices, and systems to connect to the grid to improveefficiency, provide access to data often held in silos, and enhance productivity.
The central IdAM systems are the authoritative central store for identity and access authorization data. RSA IdAM products and AlertEnterprise provide centralidentity and access stores, as well as a workflow management capability. The central IdAM system takes over the control of the directory instances in each silo.The control is implemented by providing an administrative account credential for each managed directory to the IdAM system. This is an important aspect of theimplementation. When the administrative credential is issued, the organization must limit the access to the managed directories of the IdAM system to a reducednumber of administrative users. The security of the solution partially depends on limited access to the managed directories, as discussed in Section5.9.6. 2ff7e9595c