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  • [ link: ] [ size n/a ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 ]The WPI Components Package (MIDAS alternative) TWPIDataSocket Provides your client application connectivity to the WPI Server. User authentication, client versioning and more. TWPIClientDS A 100% compatible dataset that serves as just more than a table. Use this component as a query or table, filters can be executed on the server and again once the data is returned to the client without having to do any request extra from the WPIFileServer. Extended search capabilities, brief case tables for offline use, ability to fetch blobs upon demand, cached updates and more. TWPIShell Set the URL or Email address and fire up the users default web browser or email client all with one command. Also works with standard windows applications with registered extensions. TWPIFileDlg Provides transparent file and directory access to your server as if you were on your own machine. Just set a few properties and it's all there. Upload, Download, Rename, Delete and much more. No coding necessary. WPIFileServer The backbone of the entire package. A Multithreaded TCP/IP server that serves up the data, manages files, users, messaging, individual user logging, client versioning and more. Current databases supported are Interbase, Informix, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Foxpro, Sybase, Access, Paradox, DBase, DBISAM, ODBC. Due to the huge success of WPI Components release 2.0 has been started and is currently in development. The release will include a revised WPIClientDS, better client authentication and a lot more functionality.Delphi 5 Professional or Enterprise Edition Required(!)Added: 26-06-2000/25-06-2000 Version: 1.0 13/6/2000 Downloads: n/aAuthor:Chris Weston Web Poppers Internet [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 7,370 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 D3 D4 D5 ]Table Lock is a TTable descendent component(mostly in Spanish)Added: 16-04-2000 Version: 1.2 Downloads: 2624/2624/0 [ ] [ 13,478 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 ]Interbase browser application using Interbase Express. Features: sorting using indexis, searching, finding, counting, filling.Added: 6-04-2001 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 1638/1638/1Author:Tomas Mandys-MandySoft [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 637,741 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 ]Provides an easy way to build web- based application. Creates dynamic web pages interacts with databases - now directly to Interbase or via BDE in manner of Allaire's Cold Fusion.Added: 15-10-2001 Version: 1.11 Downloads: 2954/2954/2Author:Andrei Ivanov [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 573,448 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]Jayan's Query Tools Components TQueryByFilter TQueryBySQL To use above components you have to install TKbmMemTable by Kim Bo Madsen (ver 2.50 included).Added: 1-10-2000 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 2007/2007/1Author:Jayan Chandrasekhar [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 1,636,326 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 ]KAAdo is a native Ado component for Delphi/CBuilder KAAdo is about 90% compatible with KADao Features: 1. Create, Repair, Compact, Encrypt Access'97 and Access'2000 MDB files 2. Create tables, add indexes, and fields to existing tables and so on. 3. Work as a Table an Query Component supporting both Queries and QueryDefs 4. Compatible with all data aware controls 5. Master/Detail support 6. Locate, Lookup support 7. Find_First, Find_Next, Find_Last, Find_Prior 8. Seek_Nearest, Seek_NearestEx Optimised to work with MS Access and MS SQL ServerAdded: 2-06-2003 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 1818/1818/18Author:Kiril Antonov Kiril Antonov - Hronos Ltd [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 400,286 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 C3 C4 C5 C6 ]KADao is a native DAO component for Delphi. It is the first freeware component to completly access all databases supported by Microsoft DAO (Data Access Objects) including mdb, xls, dbf etc.. BDE is not required. Microsoft(r) DAO(tm) must be Installed in order component to run. Support for both Microsoft(r) Access'xx-Access'97 and Microsoft(r) Access'2000-2002. Features: 1. Create, Repair, Compact, Encrypt Access'97 and Access'2000 MDB files 2. Create tables, add indexes, and fields to existing tables and so on. 3. Work as a Table and Query Component supporting both Queries and QueryDefs 4. Compatible with all data aware controls 5. Master/Detail support 6. Locate, Lookup support 7. Find_First, Find_Next, Find_Last, Find_Prior 8. Seek_Nearest, Seek_NearestEx and many more ...Added: 21-05-2000/9-01-2006 Version: 9.1 Downloads: 26861/21391/56Author:Kiril Antonov Kiril Antonov - Hronos Ltd [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 130,633 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 C3 C4 C5 C6 ]KADao Controls is a set of visual freeware controls for KADao KADao Controls can be used only with KADao v 7.2 or higher KADao Controls include: KADaoDBGrid - Just link it to a KADAOTable and you get a profi app!, KADaoSortByButton, KADaoFilterByButton, KADaoFindButton, KADaoSeekButton, KADaoSelectIndexButton, KADaoCVFButton, KADaoDateTime, KADaoDbGUIDEdit KADaoExportButton, KADaoDBColumnCheckListBox,KADaoDBColumnListBox, KADaoSearch,KADaoDBColumnCombo,KADaoDBStringList KADao Controls gives the final user power to do proffesional things with a single clickAdded: 19-11-2001/2-06-2003 Version: 8.0 Downloads: 9823/9419/23Author:Kiril Antonov Kiril Antonov - Hronos Ltd [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 258,682 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 C4 C5 ]KADao Personal Edition (PE) is a native DAO component for users of Delphi 5 and 6 Personal editions It is created in a way that without TDataset to accces all databases supported by MS DAO KADaoPE is a set of components to use with Microsoft(r) DAO(tm) Engine KADaoPE is FREE for commercial and non-commercial use i.e it is absolutely free! KADaoPE is intended to be used with direct COM access to DAO KADaoPE comes with no support of any kind. Use MS DAO Help files for work with KADAO PEAdded: 9-09-2001 Version: 5.70 Downloads: 3929/3929/3Author:Kiril Antonov Kiril Antonov - Hronos Ltd [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 117,348 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 C3 C4 ]TkbmMemTable is a 100% TDataset compatible in memory full featured table which is not dependant on the BDE at runtime. Features include: - 100% TDataset compatible - 100% compiled into the exe. - 100% independant of the BDE during runtime. - Blob compression - Full filter support not only through OnFilterRecord but also using an expression in the Filter property. - Several easy interfaces to the outher world (load/save data/structure to/from other tables or files) - Multilevel transaction control (undo insert/delete/updates since transaction start) using StartTransaction, Commit and Rollback. - Versioning and journaling for saving deltas of what has happened to the table in another table or file - Build in 100% extendable resolving capabilities of deltas and alot more. - Contains middleware capabilities through the resolver and deltas. Price for using as middleware?.... $0 - Contains designtime editor for designing the table. - 100% Thread safe. - Allows multiple cursors to same physical data. - Automatic persistency. Load from a file on opening and save to it on destruction/close. - Form persistency. Store default data at the form at designtime. - Extract or set the data as a commatext. - Snapshots. Save the complete table in a variant and load the table from a variant. - On the fly sorting on any fields ascending/descending. - Add data to the record without having a field using the record tag property. - Supports 99% of all fields supported by TTable/TQuery. - Lookup, Locate, FindNearest, SetKey, GotoKey, FindKey, EndKey, Ranges supported. - Bookmarks supported. - Unlimited number of real indexes supported. - Ressource strings translated to >10 languages. - Field types supported: ftString,ftSmallint,ftInteger,ftWord,ftBoolean,ftFloat,ftCurrency, ftDate,ftTime,ftDateTime,ftAutoInc,ftBCD,ftBlob,ftMemo,ftGraphic,ftF mtMe mo, ftParadoxOle,ftDBaseOle,ftTypedBinary,ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftFixedChar,ftWideString,ftLargeInt,ftADT,ftArray - Full Master/Detail support both as master and as detail table. - Many more internal routines available to the programmer by choise. - Extendable. Full source code included. 100% free. Infoware... let me know when you are using it! Middleware components/tools developed using TkbmMemTable must be released as Open Source and freeware. Find latest versions at [more]Added: 25-01-1999/26-03-2000 Version: 2.33 Downloads: 19608/10892/14Author:Kim Madsen [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 174,156 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 C3 C4 C5 ]Latest version of the open source/free(info)-ware in memory table component TkbmMemTable. Although the beta label its very stable. Includes massive amounts of improvements and new features. Please join the memtable community at for support and for getting information about new releases. Also download the file and documentation (and dont forget kbmX10 (X10 house control) and kbmWABD (Rapid Web development tool)) from -indexit.comAdded: 13-05-2001 Version: 2.52i Beta Downloads: 2452/2452/1Author:Kim Bo Madsen [DSP files] [ ] [ 11,857 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 D3 D4 D5 C1 C3 C4 ]Database Export pack contains several components for exporting database data to other formats. TKDatasetToText - export data from an active dataset into text file; TKDatabaseToText - export and import whole database to the text files. Memo and BLOB fields are also supported; TKDatasetToHTML - save an active dataset as HTML file; TKDatasetToDBF - save an active dataset into DBase table; TKDatasetToPrint - print dataset;Added: 16-04-2000 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 7504/7504/5Author:Sergiy Korzh [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 4,391 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 ]This little free component enhances the default behaviour of the TDBEdit component available with Delphi. It publishes two fields of TCustomMaskEdit and allows the component to automatically set the correct mask for the linked DataField. Owing to this, you will be able to introduce masks without having to work with TField properties. Present version corrects a bug in the previous ".dcu" that did not work correctly. usual and the new property EditMask. That's all.Added: 18-04-2003/24-11-2003 Version: 2.0 Downloads: 665/659/4Author:Marco Frosolini [DSP files] [ ] [ 21,973 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]This component is similar to the TUpdateSQL component but is capable of executing multiple statements in one go.Added: 16-01-2000 Version: 1.1 Downloads: 2683/2683/1Author:Craig Manley [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 236,694 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]ODBC data aware components: TmDataBase, TmTable, TmQuery, TmStoredProc. Features: ODBC 3.0 support editing query via a) internal update,insert,delete (not every drivers support it) b) use SQL statements ( like TUpdateSQL ) Blob fields and parameters ForwardOnly cursors (only with ODBC cursor library) NOT supported: Transactions (you can use SQL statements) & cached updatesAdded: 15-11-1998/12-12-1999 Version: 1.08d Downloads: 6229/3946/6Author:Konstantin Savelyev [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 3,144 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 D5 D6 ]A CheckListBox with a CheckBox for each Bit in a Integer or for each Char in a String. (FreeWare with Source) for D4 D5 D6 D7 Component TMSDBCheckListBox: Class(TCheckListBox) New Prppertys: DataSource: TDataSource DataField: TDataField CharCkecked: Char CharUnChecked: Char CharGrayed: Char Use: Integer: You can use this Component with Integer and String DataFields. If You use IntergerField then the Item-Index is the BitIndex for the CheckBoxes. You cannot use AllowGraed. String: If You use StringField then the Items-Index is the CharPosition, and the String Contains Chars of the propertys CharCkecked, CharUnChecked, CharGrayed. You can use AllowGrayed, Added: 6-07-2004 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 645/645/2Author:ibego2003 [DSP files] [ ] [ 2,190 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 D6 D7 ]About month ago I spend two hours seeking for an example in web how to create UDF module for MySQL. Finally I'm deciding to look in MySQL manual. This is result of my efforts. So this example intended for lazy (like me) people.Added: 27-01-2003 Version: n/a Downloads: 2660/2660/11Author:V.Cechanowski [DSP files] [ ] [ 643,796 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 C3 C4 ]This is a component library for direct access to Oracle8i server. Now set includes 7 core components: TOCIDatabase - analog of TDatabase TOCITransactionManager - transaction management TOCIQuery - analog of TQuery TOCIStoredProc - analog of TStoredProc TNCSQLMonitorClient - client of Borland's SQLMonitor TOCIUpdateSQL - analog of TUpdateSQL TOCISequence - interface to Oracle sequences TOCINestedDataSet - analog of TNestedDataSet and 5 companion components and 1 expert. Help available.Added: 31-10-1999/14-01-2001 Version: 0.9.2 beta Downloads: 6092/5121/2Author:Dmitry Arefiev Dmitry Arefiev [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 13,542 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]Export and import whole database to the text files And Binary file. Memo and BLOB fields are also supported. This compenent TPgCSV (Khashayar Sadjadi ( And KDatabase Export pack ( Combined.Added: 17-01-2001/30-09-2001 Version: 1.3 Downloads: 3921/3893/3Author:Nihat Yorgancy [DSP files] [ ] [ 14,123 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 ]The TParadox component allows you to read a Paradox 4+ table without using the BDE. It's short (adds no more than 11K to the program, less if you're already using File I/O), fast (faster then TTable + BDE), and simple (needs only the Paradox.pas file). Reads all Paradox field types except BCD fields. Cannot insert or delete rows. TParadox.FindKey can find a record using the Primary Index, but it can't use any secondary indexes. Written in Delphi 4, but should be compatible with Delphi 3, 5 and 6. Support for Blob (memo) fields and update (in-place) of alpha fields. Sample application and table included. Read comments in the .pas file for more info.Added: 11-09-2002/18-08-2003 Version: 1.3 Downloads: 2414/2413/14Author:Howard Flank [DSP files] [ ] [ 18,085 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 ]DBCheckBox which allows to use: a.. ImageType: 7 different glyph b.. Style: bvNone, bvLowered, bvRaised, bvRound, bvSimple c.. ColorFont: ColorFontIn, ColorFontOut d.. PlayMusic: Play music on event Checked / not Checked e.. MultiLine Hint: When mouse in position f.. Flat g.. TransparentAdded: 9-09-2001/25-02-2002 Version: 1.50 Downloads: 3499/3494/5Author:Peric DJordje PDJTools [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 3,698 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]Data Controls component DBEdit with SpeedButton. Button have property glyph, custom or ButtonGlyphKind (15 different Glyph). ButtonCaption, ButtonHint, ButtonFlat, ButtonGlyphLayout, ButtonCursorAdded: 1-05-2001/30-09-2001 Version: 1.5 Downloads: 2524/2521/3Author:Peric DJordje PDJTools [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 26,435 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]V1.31 A minor bug in V1.3 fixed. Comma Sepreted Value Import/Export compoent. Field mapping, Field ignoring, progress events, direct link to TDataset, full customizable, exception handling events. New features in V1.31 Faster import and export. Data conversion properties. Stop progress. and more... This component is exclusively for Import and Export from/to CSV files. Source code included.Added: 16-01-2000/17-07-2000 Version: 1.31 Downloads: 7993/7871/6Author:Khashayar Sajadi,Shahriar Borudjerdian Pragena Delphi Home [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 223,918 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 ]QuickSelect is a VCL component for visual creation of SQL queries. It uses natural language to facilitate easy an simple building of advanced SQL queries. QuickSelect is currently available in more than 10 different languages, for Delphi 2 to 5. Go to to find out more.Information about purchasing the source can be found at Added: 23-01-2000 Version: 1.5 Downloads: 2734/2734/0Author:Kjetil Bjerknes TrollSoft [Homepage] [DSP files] Compatible files: [ D2 D3 D4 ] [ ] [ 19,407 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 ]This component gives you full information about all driver's capabilities installed on your machine, such as: supported table version then for each table supported fields then for each field supported properties. Very usefull when you want to create an application for different database support and you need low-level database information.Added: 29-11-2000 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 1845/1845/2Author:Eugen Mihailescu Cubique Development [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 17,594 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]This component encapsulate the basic procedures and functions to replicate Scala# Btrieve files between two locations. It use a data dictionary in order to access the Btrieve file through the TBtr component. Includes all the mechanism to compare records, to update records, etc. Very useful for the who are using Scala# Business Management Software on Btrieve platform. It requires the TBtr component which you can get it from the author: PA van Lonkhuyzen, 26-11-2000 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 1742/1742/0Author:Eugen Mihailescu Cubique Development [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 4,591 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 ]This Delphi DBGrid Component has some additional feature Sizeable Row Height Sizeable Title Height Draw Memo & Graphic Field Fast and Flicker Free Added: 6-09-2004 Version: 2.1 Downloads: 953/953/15Author:Eko Schuscanto [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 9,491 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]This component is a basic component to create your security system. It provides Login/Logout/ModifyPassword functions. Your can extend it by connect to your DBs to meet your own requirement.Added: 1-03-2001 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 3062/3062/6Author:Ma Jun Ma Jun [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 118,105 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 D5 ]SoftQuery is a Simple but Eficiente MIDAS. Query ReadOnly and RequestLive. Fast. Works with Blobs. Truly thin client.Added: 31-10-1999 Version: 1.03 Downloads: 2490/2490/0Author:Jose Fernando Tolentino Goyaz Tecnologia [DSP files] [ ] [ 129,183 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 C3 C4 C5 ]This is two components for Delphi and C++ Builder - SQLScript and UpdateSQLScript. Now it is possible to execute SQL script on the server by using SQLScript component. For example, for database installation or moving data between databases. UpdateSQLScript component works like well known UpdateSQL object but its InsertSQL, ModifySQL, DeleteSQL can contain SQL script - more then one SQL statement. An instance of the component may be assigned to UpdateObject property of Query object. [more]Added: 21-11-1999/29-01-2002 Version: 1.5 Downloads: 4971/4787/5Author:Karim Yusupov Apelseen software [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 23,645 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 ]SQLSet Component for construction of list of SQL queries, editable in the property editor at design time, with possibility of insertion of variables in query, which can be replaced by any string value at run time.Requires the components DList v1.33 and Reader v3.0 distributed for free.Added: 17-07-2000/18-06-2002 Version: 1.03 Downloads: 3684/3660/8Author:George Barbakadze [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 5,899 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]This component allows you to store the structures of one or more tables in a text file. Using this same component, you may recreate any one or all of the tables during runtime. It supports only non-SQL tables like .DB, .DBF, and ASCII tables. This may be useful if you prefer not to include your tables in your installation and create them only when needed. This may save you space on your distribution media as text files compress more readily than binary files. The created text file may even be smaller than the tables and its related files. This component do not generate any code. So you would not need to recompile your application should you change any of your table's structure. Just change the data file and your ready to deploy.Added: 25-06-2000/23-06-2000 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 3537/3537/5Author:Marivie A. Galeon [DSP files] [ ] [ 145,859 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 C3 C4 C5 ]TDbf is a TTable like component for single-user application. It allow you to use standard dBase files in your program without the need to install BDE. This is the most advanced free software of this type available for DELPHI. Allow the use of all dBase native type (character, numeric, logical, date, and MEMO). Support index files for sorting and searching File format compatible with Delphi Database Desktop. Now includes source.Added: 21-05-2000/8-09-2003 Version: 6.2.8 Downloads: 9858/9608/2Author:Micha Nelissen [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 1,731,982 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]ExDBGrid is an Enhanced DBGrid Component that has plenty of new features: It has the following new Public Properties: Canvas, Col, Row, FixedCols, FixedRows, TopRow, SelectedRows, Datalink, ColCount, RowCount, ColWidths, GridLineWidth, InplaceEdit, TitleOffset, OnColumnResize, OptWidth (making the 'Grid' automatically size itself so that no white space is left at the right), VisibleRowCount, VisibleColCount, GridHeight, GridWidth, LeftCol and ExportGrid. It has the following new Published Properties: ScrollBars, EditColor, DefaultRowHeight, RowSizingAllowed, DisplayImages, DisplayMemo, DisplayBoolean, GridAutoSize (making the columns automatically resize so that they are as wide as the row with the widest entry), GridAutoWidth (making the columns automatically resize so that no white space is left at the right), FullSizeMemo, Cells3D (when False, the Grid has a Flat look and feel - also the 3D Cells can be any color), CellHints (when True and Columns are not wide enough for the DisplayText, moving the mouse over a cell shows the text in a hint window), RowColor1, RowColor2, UseRowColors (using the properties RowColor1 and RowColor2), MultiLineTitles, TitleCheck (which places a marker in the top left of the grid and enables the grid popup menu when clicked), BackgroundPicture, UseBackgroundPicture, ExportDelimiter, AllowAutoAppend, DrawFocusRect, EnterAsTab, HighlightColor, ImageHighlightColor, HighlightFontColor, ReportCaption, HotTrack, HotTrackColor, LockedCols, LockedFont, LockedColor, FlatCheckBox, FlatCheckBoxType, MemoViewType and ShowMemoEllipsis. It has the following new Methods: MoveToRow and CellRect (which is extremely useful if you want to drop other controls on the grid i.e. pop a dropdown list over a cell when the user enters it). It has the following new Events: OnColumnResize, OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove, OnColEnter, OnRightClick and OnApplyCellAttribute (useful when you want to change the colour of an individual cell, based on the value in that cell or some other particular condition). In addition, it also has the following Features: Design Time and Run Time viewing of images, including JPEG support, Flat look and feel, Grid Printing, Grid Exporting, Enhanced Scrollbar Tracking, Selecting and UnSelecting all records, Column Customizing and Drag and Drop implementation. It also has popup viewers and Inplace Editors for Graphic/Memo Fields. To use these and the Checkbox, simply click on the Fields or use the Spacebar, F2 or Enter Keys. [more]Added: 25-04-2000 Version: 2.4 Downloads: 6180/6180/11Author:GJL Software [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 11,065 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]Descendants of StringGrid, ListView and TreeView, to implement a Explorer like view of a denormalized table. This is a demo, and is slow on large result sets. [more]developed on D4, should be ok D3, D5.Added: 26-09-1999 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 4100/4100/1Author:hugh doar hugh doar [DSP files] [ ] [ 352,856 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 D5 D6 D7 ]TIBSQL a nativ, single users SQL system. Need only two dll file. Included full source files, documentation, test application and BORLANDMM.DLL [more]Added: 20-10-2003/13-11-2003 Version: 1.01 Downloads: 1396/1337/7Author:Tibor Fogler Tibor Fogler [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 3,160 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 C3 C4 ]This component is a combobox that will fill with available SID's from TNSNames.ora file if Oracle client software is installed. Useful for projects using ADO or BDE and want to let their users determine which Oracle instance to connect to. Uses registry to search for TNSNames.ora by looking in HKLM\Software\Oracle\to obtain location.Added: 13-02-2000 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 3408/3408/2Author:Emil A. Lefkof III Melman Consulting Group [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 3,418 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 ]This component is a combobox that will fill with available SID's from TNSNames.ora file if Oracle client software is installed. Useful for projects using ADO or BDE and want to let their users determine which Oracle instance to connect to.Added: 28-08-2001 Version: n/a Downloads: 2270/2270/4Author:Emil Lefkof [Homepage] [DSP files]Guilherme Siqueira Poli [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 102,577 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]Toadbase is a memory mapped file database similar to Pascal File of Record, but multithread friendly and supporting mutexes (Record level locking), and basic transactions (Add/update/delete under a transaction id you supply and can commit and rollback)... each table is a file, each transaction log is a file. Great for web use. No TDataset yet, but I want to get this out there.Added: 25-04-2000 Version: 1.0 Downloads: 2446/2446/1Author:Michael Johnson [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 130,428 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]Components to access MySQL database directly, skipping the BDE. Supports data-aware components.Added: 4-06-2000 Version: 0.5, Feb 2000 Downloads: 4523/4523/7Author:Vladimir Gaitanoff [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 3,617 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 C1 C3 C4 C5 ]TDBViewCombo is useful for navigation in dataset. It displays one field value for current record and contains list of all values of that field in dataset. Selection a value from drop down list cause moving to the corresponding record in dataset. To use just drop it on the form and set DataField and DataSource properties.Added: 19-09-1997/26-06-2001 Version: 1.3 Downloads: 6394/6391/9Author:Korzh Sergey [DSP files] [ ] [ 54,699 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]TDBCheck Function of component is to check and correct structure of local data bases (DBase, Paradox) without any data loss. Component require Borland Database Engine(BDE). Now you can distribute your application with only one EXE-file. It itself will create or modify database files that it will need. Just drop component and read the correct structure of your data files from model directory. What Component can check and modify: - Create, drop or modify order,type and size of fields - Create, drop and modify indexes - Create, drop and modify Validity checks [New in this version] with Demo includedAdded: 18-02-2001/19-03-2001 Version: 1.1 Downloads: 2893/2797/1Author:Vladimir Markelov [DSP files] [ ] [ 211,284 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 ]Database access to files type .DBF ( DBASE3 )Added: 7-01-2003/23-09-2003 Version: 1.20 Downloads: 1153/1152/1Author:GUY CHABANT [DSP files] Print, Print Preview and Reporting Tools[ ] [ 57,375 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 ]"TPIQRPrintable Substitutes" for QuickReport 3.05 PROFESSIONAL is FREE components set containing printable components which do all the same that their QR analogs, but print well with Autostretch, Background Color, Frames, WordWrap, make accurate expanding processing even in cases of multiple Autostretch controls within one Band. The components set now includes the following controls: TPIQRLabel TPIQRDBText TPIQRExpr TPIQRMemo TPIQRRichText TPIQRDBRichText. These controls are the direct descendants of their QR analogs so any incompatibility should not take place if the native controls are substituted in the existing reports. In this release: In case of stretching, controls fill the background of the Band now.Added: 19-12-1999 Version: 1.04 Downloads: 6215/6215/4Author:Project-Info Ltd. [Homepage] [DSP files] Compatible files: [ D4 ] [ ] [ 57,197 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 ]"TPIQRPrintable Substitutes" for QuickReport 3.05 STANDARD is FREE components set containing printable components which do all the same that their QR analogs, but print well with Autostretch, Background Color, Frames, WordWrap, make accurate expanding processing even in cases of multiple Autostretch controls within one Band. The components set now includes the following controls: TPIQRLabel TPIQRDBText TPIQRExpr TPIQRMemo TPIQRRichText TPIQRDBRichText. These controls are the direct descendants of their QR analogs so any incompatibility should not take place if the native controls are substituted in the existing reports. In this release: In case of stretching, controls fill the background of the Band now.Added: 19-12-1999 Version: 1.04 Downloads: 4028/4028/3Author:Project-Info Ltd. [Homepage] [DSP files] Compatible files: [ D4 ] [ ] [ 51,220 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 C1 C3 C4 ]It allows to edit report at run-time by end-user. It contains replacements for QRBand, QRLabel, QRShape, QRMemo and QRImage only. AQRCell allows to print grids. English and Russian versions. Added: 4-01-1998/20-02-2000 Version: 2.1 Downloads: 13723/11022/12Author:Andrey Demidov [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 1,854,874 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 ]Duck Barcode component support type Code 39, Code 128 A, Code 128 B, Code 128 C, Code 25 Interleaved, Codabar, EAN 8, EAN 13, UPC A, UPC E, for Delphi 5Full source code 120$. For more infomation visit my homepage or contact Duck@DuckTech.comAdded: 7-11-1999 Version: 1.2d Downloads: 4525/4525/9 [ ] [ 10,356 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 D5 ]Small unit DotmatrX.PAS intended for direct printing from Win applications to external output devices (usually dot-matrix printers like Epson LX-300 or Epson LX-1050+), connected to PC through LPT-port in TEXT mode. Also it designed to cut up wide texts into small-format paper. [more]Added: 21-07-2000 Version: 0.1 Downloads: 6717/6717/8Author:Igor Homyn [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 226,053 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 D5 ]Microsoft Excel 97/2000-based Report Generator. Unfortunatelly documented in Russian.Added: 30-07-2000 Version: 2.04 (July 26, 2000) Downloads: 4780/4780/5Author:Andrew N. Driazgov [DSP files] [ ] [ 17,822 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 ]A Free Barcode Component - Code_2_5_industrial, Code_2_5_matrix, Code39, Code39Extended, Code128A, Code128B, Code128C, Code93, Code93Extended, CodeMSI, CodePostNet, CodeCodabar, EAN8, EAN13, UPC_A, UPC_E0, UPC_E1, UPC_Suppl2, UPC_Suppl5, EAN128A, EAN128B, EAN128C Added: 21-03-1999/3-10-1999 Version: 1.15 Downloads: 26144/18735/35Author:Andreas Schmidt [Homepage] [DSP files] [ ] [ 1,789,555 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 D6 D7 K2 K3 ]FlexCel Reports is a suite of Delphi 5/6/7 components allowing to create Excel files by substituting values into a Template from a database or variables. Also, there is an api allowing to directly read/write Excel files, and a Grid for displaying/writing xls files. Features: Can create completly native (no OLE/dlls)files (biff 8 format: Xls 97-2000-XP), or create them by OLE automation. Your option. In native mode, templates can be embedded inside your exe. No additional files to distribute Can write images/comments/conditional formats/merged cells/pivot tables/charts and almost the complete Excel 2000 feature set in native or OLE mode (Writing images is not allowed in OLE, but you can include as many as you want in the template) Can save to HTML files (only in OLE mode) Exe Demo and full source code included. Also included a BiffEdit application that allows you to view and modify Biff8 files. Messages in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Russian, Brasilian Portuguese and Simplified ChineseAdded: 29-01-2002/23-12-2002 Version: 2.5.3 Downloads: 9470/9112/69Author:Adrian Gallero [Homepage] [DSP files] [ GmPrintSuite_2_61_Lite.exe ] [ 1,048,452 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 D4 D5 D6 ]GmPrintSuite is a set of free print-preview and reporting components from with the following features... Canvas based (i.e. not banded!) to give the developer full control

  • Full WYSWYG preview with zooming, panning and many more features

  • Rich text preview/printing component

  • TStringGrid preview/printing component

  • Generate page thumbnails

  • TTreeView printing/preview component

  • Avery label printing component

  • plus much, much more!

Demo's, Tutorials and FAQ's can be found at

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