Google recently released Chrome OS 73 for the Dev Channel, and thenew version has "quite a few new items related to Project Crostini, forLinux app support", according to the AboutChromebooks post. One new feature is the "choice of running Linuxapps in either high or low density", and another is "a new flag thatwill enable backups of your Crostini container data files". And, you nowcan "share Android's Google Play Files, My Files and evenGoogle Drive with Linux in the native Chrome OS Files app." See also thechangelogfor more details.
This section lists features in previous releases along with their fixed and known issues. Releases reach End of Life (EOL) 18 months after the release date. For details about lifecycle dates for the supported versions, see Lifecycle Milestones for Citrix Workspace app and Citrix Receiver.
Google Releases Chrome OS 73 with Support for Sharing Files with Linux Apps
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With this release, users can authenticate virtual apps or desktops by using FIDO2 security keys. FIDO2 security keys provide a seamless way for enterprise employees to authenticate to apps or desktops that support FIDO2 without entering a user name or password. For more information about FIDO2 see FIDO2 Authentication.
With its first Beta release of Android 13, Google highlighted new support for media-sharing features. This means that for apps that can request access to files on your phone, they would need to specify whether they want images, video, or audio files.
The Acer Chromebook 315 is poor for gaming. There isn't an option for a dedicated GPU, and none of the components are replaceable. It runs on Chrome OS, meaning it's incompatible with DirectX games like Borderlands 3, so you'll have to stick with simple Linux apps and games from the Google Play Store. The screen doesn't support any variable refresh rate technology and can only reach a maximum of 60Hz, but this is expected of Chromebooks.
The Acer Chromebook 315 runs Chrome OS, a Linux-based operating system with functionality built around the Google Chrome browser and Google Play Store apps. You can also run Linux apps in a container using Crostini. However, it isn't compatible with many popular x86 applications like the Adobe Suite. There's no extra software other than what Chrome OS natively comes bundled with. If you need a laptop that supports x86 applications, check out the HP Stream 11 (2021).
The extensions associated with a specific profile are running in background (if that profile was used to sign in), but no browser settings are accessible unless they are related to the page address itself (e.g. if that is a Goggle page like Googles Docs, you will be able to access profiles and Google apps. Clicking a Google app icon will open that app in the main window of the browser).
Google's ChromeOS has seen a surge in usage recently as computer users look for an economical way to take classes online and work from home. As users acquire inexpensive Chromebooks, many are finding that the device's performance is sluggish as compared with more capable PC hardware. They also find that doing everything within the Chrome browser and relying on performance-reducing browser plug-ins doesn't meet their expectations. Sometimes you just need to run a dedicated application on your computer's operating system to get things done! Disappointingly, Google has discontinued support and security updates for the oldest Chromebooks and they famously kill their apps, software, and hardware offerings with little notice. As a result, users may wonder how soon they'll lose access to the software and hardware they rely on for their daily computing and need to switch to a fully-functional operating system.
Another source of applications is Flathub. This source allows you to use the command line to install "flatpak" applications from the catalog of applications provided by the flathub app center. Flatpaks are easy to install, cross-platform, and self-contained applications for Linux distributions. Support for flatpack packages can be enabled from the Software Boutique . Once flathub support is enabled, you can install flatpaks from the app center with a simple command. The specific command you'll need can be found within the application's listing in the flathub app center ( ). For example, to install the version of Audacity available in the app center, the command is:
If you are a developer who needs the latest versions of certain packages, the "normal" six-month release cycle (nine-month support) might be for you. If you want to be on the bleeding edge, have the latest versions of all your software, and use the latest features before they make it to the LTS version of Ubuntu MATE, choose the "normal" cycle of six-month releases. Note that the "bleeding edge" refers to the fact that some of these latest versions may not perform as reliably as the versions supported within the LTS releases.
You can now use OneDrive for sharing: Use OneDrive to share files and photos with your friends and family. From Chats, select the add in button, select OneDrive, select the file you want to send, and then select Send.
This is sad because developers use specific browser drivers compatible with required chrome version. In my case the CI always fails once in a weak because google removes specific versions from the repository... really really sad T.T 2ff7e9595c